Genius is making complex ideas simple, not making simple ideas complex.
Albert Einstein

Solve problems by building expressions into new data elements.

Easily modify existing data fields or create new ones
Combine any number together to solve complex problems
Build expressions into new data elements
Resolved at the server which makes them extremely fast
Results can be used on any existing reporting tool
Encapsulate logic and build fields that are “composable”


  • Extremely useful when business opportunities arise
  • Constructed using your own business aliases
  • Validated with active database provider
  • Executed faster on the larger database server machines
  • Can be nested (barring recursion)
  • Will resolve even if fields are not part of selection list
  • Shareable
  • Will not fail when alias names are changed
  • Maintain all security permissions to data
  • Can be nested together
  • Follow the familiar syntax of your database vendor when complexity is needed
  • Block SQL injection
  • Can utilize any field available in the entire business category
  • Are executed fast at the database server level
  • Will work with any third party reporting tool
  • Can be made public or private
  • Dependencies are automatically added by DSF