Turn Critical Data Into Actionable Reports
Works with ANY existing reporting tool!
Improve IT workflow immediately!
Self-Learning! Discovers your database model automatically in seconds!
DSF saves you hundreds of hours!
Why do this:
When you could be doing this:
IT Departments
can process 10 times more data requests
in half the time!
What role do you have?
Performance & Efficiency
DSF does not hit your network or database with unnecessary data retrieval. This reduces network traffic and overall load on your database server.
Your network is not unlimited, and returning data you don’t need wastes precious resources. Those fields you don’t need can slow down your results. The more users, the more bandwidth wasted.
DSF retrieves the data you need and only the data you need, fast. Each user can adjust their requirements on the fly, retrieving their own dataset without dragging extra data across the network!
No more giant Excel datasets required!
DSF determines which data to return based on the user’s field selections as needed. If the user only needs 5 data fields it will only retrieve those 5. Traditional methods repurpose old queries which frequently get fields that aren’t used. This overworks the database server and increases network load for no reason.
Many unused fields include time wasting JOINs or any number of wasteful SQL gymnastics that are not required.
DSF only includes what is minimally required based on the user’s request.
Upgrade Proof Reports
Upgrades to your systems are the cost of doing business, but breaking reports do not have to be your painful reality.
DSF allows your reports to continue working without changes!
How does this work? You can build a view in DSF today and tie it to a report that you use in production. Hundreds of users in your company can be using the same DSF view for any number of purposes. Charts, spreadsheets, dashboards, etc. 6 months later your software vendor upgrades you to a newer version of their system and changed stuff in the database. All you need to do is find the new data within DSF and re-publish your view. All users reports will continue to work with no changes!
Existing user reports connected to your published views will never lose site of the data!
We designed the framework to sit between the users and the database, providing a view into the data based on your business terminology. This business barrier is maintained for your current version of the vendor’s application and for every future release of their software.
Changes in Data Models Don’t Matter
The DSF framework is the middleman between your reports and the database. If you’ve created 100 reports using the Alias field name “Amount”, it will always be “Amount” to your reports.
If a data model drastically changes, just point DSF to the new database location.
Your existing reports DO NOT have to change!
Any product accessing that field, a spreadsheet, extract, custom screen, dashboards, whatever, will instantly be fixed.
Language Translation
Was your software developed in another language? Do you have office in another country? Confusion is expensive and clarity is invaluable!
Translate your fields names locally so your Nome_Do_Cliente becomes your Customer_Name (or vice versa!)
Standardize Formats
Ask 2 people to format some data, and you’ll get 2 results.
DSF can give you a standard field that formats and calculates data based on your requirements, and makes it available to everyone.
Validate Calculations
Whether its Tax, Quantities, Overheads or Bonuses, changes to the calculation have real business implications. Setup a User Defined Field (a.k.a. your formula) and share it as a calculated field to everyone.
Now everyone can use the right numbers, every time!
Easy Integration
Pushing and Pulling data relies on repeatable output.
Whether its multiple versions of a single system, or different systems that must all output the same format, DSF can map your different sources and give you the output in the format you need.
Vendor Agnostic
Multiple vendors providing the same data? Need a way to compare or combine? DSF can return your data from multiple sources in a format that you can rely on.
Map the data, pick your format, and go. Simple and repeatable!
Simplify Your Data
Vendor databases are full of cryptic names for simple data. Should you be using the AmountTax field or the GST_VAT_Calculated field? Or is it the Invoice_Tributum field at the end of the table?
Validate your data once and let DSF take care of the naming for everyone!
You can even hide fields to ensure the correct values are returned.
Learn How To Get Data Yourself
This Book, titled Give Me Data or Give Me Death, written by Devin Crypt, will explain why it’s so hard to get data from your database and what you can do about it. Those familiar with SQL queries can benefit from the performance tuning sections.
Empower your data and help it reach its full potential with Data Selections